390th Strategic Missile Wing Reunions


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Fellow 390th SMW Members:

General Information:  The next reunion will be in Tucson from September 25th - 28th, 2024.  Look for pictures from prior reunions below. Pictures can also be found on the 390th SMW Facebook Page



The reunion was a sucess!

Link to pictures below!

40th Anniversry Since Shutdown!

Reunion Info:

Where:  Tucson, AZ
Dates:   September 25th - 28th, 2024
Hotel:    Desert Diamond Hotel Casino (same as 2022 and 2016 Reunion)
Rate:  $104 per night.


EVENTS: The Event Schedule is below.


Wednesday, 9/25: Welcome Reception at 6PM in the hotel complete with a Steamship Round of Beef (also, a tradition) with accompanying side dishes.

Thursday, 9/26 and Friday, 9/27 Titan II Museum: At 10:00 and 11:00 AM each day will be tours to the Titan II National Historical Museum. Busses leave the hotel at 9:15AM and 10:15AM. Since there are limited spots on the bus for each tour, it will be a first come, first serve basis. Unfortunately, the Museum has received notice from their insurance company of not being able to use the elevator, therefore they cannot accommodate any visitors who can’t walk down the stairs.  However, everything topside is available to everyone.

Thursday Evening, 9/26 the BBQ!: There will be a BBQ at the Hotel with entertainment! Casual dress and lots of mingling required! Entertainment will be Eric the Magician!

Friday Evening, 9/27 Gaslight Theater: We can’t come to Tucson and not go to the Gaslight Theater on Friday evening.  The Gaslight is a fun-type theater and dress is casual. Your ticket covers, transportation and show. There is light food to be purchased and eaten during the show, if desired.  Our show is at 8:30 pm. There are limited tickets so it will be on a first come, first serve basis.

Saturday 9/28, morning time 10AM, General Membership Meeting All welcome but only members can vote on any issue that comes up. There will be nominations and voting for new Director positions. If you are interested in filling a Director or Officer position, please let us know in advance or speak up at the meeting.

Saturday 9/28, Evening Banquet: at the Hotel. The guest speaker will be Maj. Gen. Kerry L. Muehlenbeck. Dress is from business casual for men and a dress, slacks for women.

Further information: 

Any further questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at: 253-318-2951 (Mobile) or email: reunion@390smw.org. Any of our Board of Directors can also assist you if you choose to contact them via our Web site.

Don Boelling
President & Reunion Chair


2024 REUNION: Please click "HERE".

2018 REUNION: Please click "HERE".

2016 REUNION: Please click "HERE".

2008 REUNION: Please click "HERE".

2004 REUNION: Please click " HERE" for pictures of the 2004 Reunion in Tucson, AZ.

2002 REUNION: Our 2002 Orlando Reunion was held in September 2002! Please check the " November 2002 newsletter" for information and pictures.

For pictures from the 2001 reunion in Dayton Ohio, please click " HERE.".