A speical thanks to the fine people at AFHRA/RSA at Maxwell AFB
On a blue and red disc divided per fess by a gold dancette barrulet within a narrow gold border a white missile ascending in pale throughout between in chief eight white stars, two, four and two surmounted fess wise in base by a blue arrow fimbriated gold. Below a white scroll edged blue.
The emblem is symbolic of the squadron and its mission. The blue field depicts the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations, with the eight stars representing the two DUCs and the six campaign
credits awarded the unit in World War II. The arrow refers to early air weapons and the missile to recent air weapons with the red field signifying their propulsion forces. The gold bar alludes to lightning and indicates the mighty power of our weapons system. The emblem bears the Air Force colors, golden yellow and ultramarine blue and the national colors, red, white and blue.